Sunday, October 2, 2016

You can help Donald Trump win battleground states and be our next President with our MP3 project

By Kevin “Coach” Collins

You have prayed for Donald Trump’s success; given money to his campaign; spoken to friends and family about the need to defeat Hillary Clinton and maybe even gone to a Trump rally; but you still want to do more. Well now there is a new and exciting option to join this fight for our survival as a nation in a simple yet very effective way. 

This is through the use of MP3s that send a brief but powerful message to specifically targeted audiences by reaching them over the radio. MP3s are Email features that allow you send sound. We at the Radio Spots for Trump, MP3 Project have 4 dozen MP3s, 15 seconds and 30 seconds in length, that are professionally produced and ready for airing on radio. And the MP3s are free. 

Just visit the MP3 link on the Radio Spots for Trump website, read the titles of the available MP3 ads and select one or more that say what you’d like voters to hear.  A number of the MP3 titles will be accompanied by the written text to give you an idea of the way in which topics are presented.

Then, simply contact us with the MP3 selections you would like us to send you. We'll email the finished MP3s to you, free of charge. Our goal is to elect Donald Trump, not make a profit. 

When you have the MP3(s) of your choice, YOU contact a local radio station, arrange to pay for the ad’s airing and record the brief disclaimer required by the Federal Elections Commission. We will supply the disclaimer to you. If you want, we will also suggest a station our research shows would be among the best to deal with. Don’t worry about not being in the radio station to record the disclaimer – it can be done to radio quality over any phone. The station will be glad to assist you. 

Early voting HAS ALREADY STARTED in North Carolina and other states. If you are in a deep Red or deep Blue state you can lend a hand in N. Carolina—an important battleground state-- even if you live thousands of miles away. We can recommend radio stations in North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, New York (on the NY/Pa border) and elsewhere.

To get the BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK, we recommend that you select only one or two messages and play them each day between midnight and 6 AM. This will be the least expensive way to go – 30 second spots can often be run for about $15.00 each-and multiple purchase discounts can sometimes be arranged. And by airing these messages during the deep of the night we will be reaching people going to work, working or heading for home. Workers are our voters. 

We need 30 people to commit to running the same ad(s) every hour at about the same time each morning. Deviating hurts the message flow. The key to successfully getting our message across is repetition, not a new message each night.

And remember, the MP3s are yours to put before the public in what you believe to be the most effective ways possible. Make use of any media opportunities which will inform the voting public. 

We have done this before. In 2004 we ran a single ad on Youngstown, Ohio’s 8 radio stations ten times a day for the last ten days prior to Election Day and successfully moved the dial 2 points toward George Bush. That turned into an extra 109,000 votes. Bush won Ohio by 118,000 votes.

Please get on board; this works, it’s fun and it’s inexpensive enough to be in everyone’s budget.

Reach out to us now.  
Kevin "Coach" Collins

Click for a description of our MP3 Project 

Click here for our email address and list of available MP3s